Help! It doesn't work! The inventory management can be a bit annoying, so make sure that you have actually selected your crafter after moving components around from inventory to inventory. After one of your characters has read the book the text of the whole book will be permanently listed in the recipe tab (click on the note symbol next to the minimap) and stay there even if you sell the book afterwards. What do the books with recipes do? The recipes are typically described there with some kind of back story. How do I unlock recipes? It is not necessary to unlock the recipes, but some of them require a certain skill level in crafting / blacksmithing. For DOS:EE simply drag two different stacks into the crafting window boxes and you will be able to craft your Large (Iron or Steel) Bar for example.

When you combine the piles again, you can select whether you want to craft or stack the items and how many of them you want to create (DOS1). How do I craft recipes involving 2 stackable items? If you want to make a large iron bar by combining 2 normal iron bars, but only have a single big stack of iron bars, you have to split the stack first by holding the SHIFT key and dragging the pile to an empty slot in your inventory. You will come across your first anvil, forge and whetstone wheel in Cyseal to the south west of the mortician. How do I craft stuff? Crafting involves either dragging and combining items in you inventory or dragging them to an anvil, forge or whetstone wheel depending on the recipe (DOS1), or using the Craft menu (DOS:EE), right-clicking an interactable crafting "station" or "tool" on the ground (such as anvil, forge, oven, or whetstone wheel, and clicking "combine with".